
The cards you fuse together MUST be the exact same in terms of name or you cannot fuse them

 Fusing is the process by which you take two identical cards and combine them to make a better card (usually of higher rarity). Little Empire Mojo   The cards you fuse together MUST be the exact same in terms of name or you cannot fuse them.  Additionally, with the exception of Black Widow at this point,  Buy Little Empire Mojo no card can be fused more than once.  You can tell a card has been fused because it has a + after its name.

When you fuse two cards together the end result gets 5% of the total stats of the first card fused and 5% of the total stats of the second card fused.  Base Level, Experience, and Ability Level are NOT retained after a fuse and will be reset to 1.  Mastery is usually reset to 1 (some exceptions apply see below).  Cheap Little Empire Mojo  If a card has been FULLY leveled then instead of 5% of the stats it retains 10% of the total stats.   Cheap Little Empire Mojo If a card has been fully mastered, in addition to having a higher attack and defense rating in the new form it ALSO will retain HALF of the total mastery for the new card making it quicker to master in its new form.

