
These tokens work much like the Timeless Cache

These tokens work much like the Timeless Cache, in that using one of the appropriate armor type will grant you a piece of gear that fits your current loot specialization. Little Empire Mojo  However, unlike the Timeless Cache, these give you items for a specific slot. For example, you might find a token that’s specifically for cloth bracers, or for mail shoulders, or for a trinket,  Little Empire Mojo and so on. You’ll always know roughly what you’re getting when you use one of these tokens.
Perhaps more importantly, they’re also Bind on Account. Pick up a token you don’t need? Got an alt you’d like to gear up, but would rather go exploring on your main? No problem. Thanks to the wonders of modern mailbox technology, you’ll be able to whisk that token off to any other character on the same account and realm, Buy Little Empire Mojo  who can then use it to generate their own piece of ilvl 496 gear.
Things don’t stop at 496, either. Particularly lucky (or persistent) players might find themselves in possession of a Burden of Eternity, an extremely powerful artifact that, when used on a Timeless armor token, causes it to create an even more powerful item rated at ilvl 535. Get your hands on a few of those pieces and you should be more than prepared to participate in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.
Your Reputation Precedes You

Of course, Cheap Little Empire Mojo  the Timeless Isle isn’t the only way to gear up. As of 5.4, we’ve made some big changes to the older ilvl 489 reputation gear—that’d be the Golden Lotus, Klaxxi, August Celestials, and Shado-Pan gear. All of this gear is now available for Justice Points regardless of your reputation with the respective factions.

