
The Chapter MAX enhancing certain cards explains this further

To create a strong fully evolved card with high atk and def stats, you have to pay attention to how you evolve your card to the final form. It depends on the number of base cards combined, Little Empire Mojo  how those base cards are combined and whether the cards are max enhanced during the evolution process.

Due to the various ways a card can be evolved, there are a number of strategies that have come into existence to describe the best ways to create strong cards.  Buy Little Empire Mojo  These strategies are generally labeled by how many base cards are used to create a card, and how many cards are max enhanced. Example: 6 base cards are used and 7 specific  cards are max enhanced is called a 6-7 evo. It is important to note, that you can not simply max enhance any 7 cards of the evolution tree. There are specific cards,  Cheap Little Empire Mojo  that have to be enhanced, to gain the full potential out of 6 base cards with 7 max enhances!  Cheap Little Empire Mojo The Chapter MAX enhancing certain cards explains this further.

