
Stamina: Stamina = Battles & Monsters

Every time you leve you upgrade your precious skill points. The best thing to do is to focus on energy and stamina to keep you leveling as fast as possible.
Energy: More energy = more questing simple as that. And questing gets you pretty decent experience a reliable sources of gold. Energy is depleted quickly as you quest, d3 items  so it's a good to increase it early on.
Stamina: Stamina = Battles & Monsters. It takes 2 skill points to get 1 stamina. Balance your attack and defense as you see fit.
Attack: More attack = More damage. This stat is the most important in monster battles, but also important to pvp battles.
Defense: More defense = Less damage taken.

Health: For the average player,  diablo 3 items more health = more times you're defeated/robbed before you're disabled/left alone.

