
Clancy Brown and Daniel Wu

Blizzard just announced some more casting choices for the upcoming film! Clancy Brown and Daniel Wu are joining the cast! WARCRAFT is scheduled to release March 11, 2016.
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Players may find Brown's voice familiar as he was the voice of Scourgelord Tyrannus.
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 You may also remember him as Kurgan in Highlander and Captain Byron Hadley in The Shawshank Redemption.
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There were some short but useful changes today for both WoW and Hearthstone!


Here you'll find a list of hotfixes

Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar.
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 Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect.
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 Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. We will continue to update this list as additional hotfixes are applied.

5.4.2 hotfixes have been listed by the date they've been implemented or as a compiled list by category.

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leader of the local cult known

The hero recovers the sword pieces from the Khazra Den and the Drowned Temple, opposed by the witch Maghda, leader of the local cult known as the Dark Coven. Maghda, however, recovers the third piece before the protagonist does and attempts to force Cain to repair the sword. Leah, however, kills the cultists with a surge of magical power,
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 forcing Maghda to kill Cain and flee with the stranger. Cain, before dying, repairs the sword and tasks the protagonist with returning it to the stranger, revealing that the sword is angelic in nature.
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 The protagonist pursues Maghda into the bowels of King Leoric's dilapidated torture chambers underneath his manor, rescuing the stranger and returning to him his sword after a violent fight with the Butcher, a powerful demon. The stranger's memories are recovered,
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and it is revealed that he is the Archangel Tyrael, the Aspect of Justice. Disgusted with his fellow angels' unwillingness to protect humanity from the forces of Hell, Tyrael cast aside his divinity to become a mortal and warn Sanctuary about the arrival of the demon lords Belial (Lord of Lies) and Azmodan (Lord of Sin).


but only at select retail locations

All of these digital offers are now fully giftable in the newly revamped Battle.net Shop,
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 making it easier than ever to hook up your friends, family, and zerglings with a new Blizzard game this holiday season.

Sale ends December 2 at 11:59 p.m. PST.

This promotion has been extended to January 1,
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 2014 at 11:59 p.m. PST.

P.S.—Our treasure goblin scouts have also sighted a few special deals on Diablo III for the PS3, Xbox 360,
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 and PC/Mac, but only at select retail locations. Check with your local retailer for details and availability.


Some of the hotfixes below

Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect.
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 Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update.
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 We will continue to update this list as additional hotfixes are applied.
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Now that the Diablo III

Now that the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Friends and Family Beta is live,
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there are plenty of choices when it comes to how you get the juicy details on the upcoming expansion.
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We think it’s a great time to ask you, the community, about your favorite Diablo III news sites and streamers!
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Why are they your favorite(s)? Where would you recommend your fellow players go to get their news?


Stormlash Totem's Stormlash

[Requires a realm restart.] Stormlash Totem's Stormlash effect now has a 50% chance to activate and deals 40% of current damage
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(This is up from a 20% chance to activate and down from a 100% damage
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increase when activated compared to a hotfix from October 4).
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Skeer the Bloodseeker's

Skeer the Bloodseeker's
Bloodletting ability should now correctly spawn blood creatures even if the player has an immunity effect on them.
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        Garrosh Hellscream
            Players who are dead will now continue
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 to emanate the full effects of Malice for the remainder of its duration.
            Resolved an issue with creature pathing
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during the Realm of Y'Shaarj phase in the Temple of the Jade Serpent.


great response from players

There's been a great response from players of the console version of Diablo 3 - yours truly included - to the more
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 immediate feel of its pad control scheme.
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 This has naturally led the game's PC fanbase to ask if controller support could be
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patched into their version of the game.

completed realm connections

As previously announced,
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we’ve been working toward connecting realms to increase the number of players on low-population realms, and since then have completed several connections.
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 As a part of our ongoing communication, we wanted to provide you with an update that contains a list of completed realm connections, currently planned connections,
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and any additional future plans in one convenient location.

the game's PC fanbase

There's been a great response from players of the console version of
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Diablo 3 - yours truly included - to the more immediate feel
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 of its pad control scheme. This has naturally led the game's PC fanbase to ask if controller support could be patched into their version of the
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And last but not least

It then moves in to the Y'Anu theme over the moaning tympani and bass drum. This theme is first heard in the Reaper of Souls intro cinematic, which takes place in the Tomb of Rakkis where Tyrael attempts to hide the Black Soulstone.
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 Y'Anu was written as a meditative chant of the Horadrim whereby the acolyte could meditate on the mysteries of Anu, or The One.
And last but not least,
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Malthael's signature theme (which I mentioned above) buttons up the end.


would you ask our Diablo III

We know there are a lot of players who enjoy exploring the history of Sanctuary to finest
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depths and we would love to hear more about what kind lore or story-related topics interest you. So, for our latest community question, we want to know:
If you had the opportunity,
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 what single lore or story question would you ask our Diablo III developers about Reaper of Souls?


The Halloween season has finally arrived

The Halloween season has finally arrived, and we’re ready to cut straight to the heart of the holiday.
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If you're dying to pick up a knife and hack, gash, slash, and jab at something, then you might be excited to hear that as of October 17, Blizzard's 2013 Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest has officially begun! Unleash your magical axes, psi blades, chitinous claws, and other creative cutlery to carve up Blizzard-themed jack-o’-lanterns of epic awesomeness.
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 If you’re unclear as to what epic awesomeness looks like in the flesh, you can check out last year’s winners for some inspiration.


Today also marks the end of our Battle

Players can also install games directly through the app and, if you choose to leave the app running on your desktop, keep them up-to-date automatically even while you’re away from your computer. Please note that it’s entirely up to you whether you wish to leave the app running—you can exit it at any time,
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and it will automatically re-launch whenever your standard launchers would.

For more information, check out the FAQ.

Once the open beta test ends, everyone's launcher will be updated automatically when they start up the launcher for World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, or Diablo III. Players will be auto-updated in waves over time, so the exact date you’ll get the update will vary from person to person.

Today also marks the end of our Battle.net desktop app closed beta test. If you've already been using the app as part of the closed beta group, you don’t need to redownload or reinstall anything—you're already good to go. Thanks again for all of your great feedback throughout the course of our testing,
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 and we look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts on the open beta in the Battle.net forums.


Stamina: Stamina = Battles & Monsters

Every time you leve you upgrade your precious skill points. The best thing to do is to focus on energy and stamina to keep you leveling as fast as possible.
Energy: More energy = more questing simple as that. And questing gets you pretty decent experience a reliable sources of gold. Energy is depleted quickly as you quest, d3 items  so it's a good to increase it early on.
Stamina: Stamina = Battles & Monsters. It takes 2 skill points to get 1 stamina. Balance your attack and defense as you see fit.
Attack: More attack = More damage. This stat is the most important in monster battles, but also important to pvp battles.
Defense: More defense = Less damage taken.

Health: For the average player,  diablo 3 items more health = more times you're defeated/robbed before you're disabled/left alone.


The cards you fuse together MUST be the exact same in terms of name or you cannot fuse them

 Fusing is the process by which you take two identical cards and combine them to make a better card (usually of higher rarity). Little Empire Mojo   The cards you fuse together MUST be the exact same in terms of name or you cannot fuse them.  Additionally, with the exception of Black Widow at this point,  Buy Little Empire Mojo no card can be fused more than once.  You can tell a card has been fused because it has a + after its name.

When you fuse two cards together the end result gets 5% of the total stats of the first card fused and 5% of the total stats of the second card fused.  Base Level, Experience, and Ability Level are NOT retained after a fuse and will be reset to 1.  Mastery is usually reset to 1 (some exceptions apply see below).  Cheap Little Empire Mojo  If a card has been FULLY leveled then instead of 5% of the stats it retains 10% of the total stats.   Cheap Little Empire Mojo If a card has been fully mastered, in addition to having a higher attack and defense rating in the new form it ALSO will retain HALF of the total mastery for the new card making it quicker to master in its new form.


These tokens work much like the Timeless Cache

These tokens work much like the Timeless Cache, in that using one of the appropriate armor type will grant you a piece of gear that fits your current loot specialization. Little Empire Mojo  However, unlike the Timeless Cache, these give you items for a specific slot. For example, you might find a token that’s specifically for cloth bracers, or for mail shoulders, or for a trinket,  Little Empire Mojo and so on. You’ll always know roughly what you’re getting when you use one of these tokens.
Perhaps more importantly, they’re also Bind on Account. Pick up a token you don’t need? Got an alt you’d like to gear up, but would rather go exploring on your main? No problem. Thanks to the wonders of modern mailbox technology, you’ll be able to whisk that token off to any other character on the same account and realm, Buy Little Empire Mojo  who can then use it to generate their own piece of ilvl 496 gear.
Things don’t stop at 496, either. Particularly lucky (or persistent) players might find themselves in possession of a Burden of Eternity, an extremely powerful artifact that, when used on a Timeless armor token, causes it to create an even more powerful item rated at ilvl 535. Get your hands on a few of those pieces and you should be more than prepared to participate in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.
Your Reputation Precedes You

Of course, Cheap Little Empire Mojo  the Timeless Isle isn’t the only way to gear up. As of 5.4, we’ve made some big changes to the older ilvl 489 reputation gear—that’d be the Golden Lotus, Klaxxi, August Celestials, and Shado-Pan gear. All of this gear is now available for Justice Points regardless of your reputation with the respective factions.


The Chapter MAX enhancing certain cards explains this further

To create a strong fully evolved card with high atk and def stats, you have to pay attention to how you evolve your card to the final form. It depends on the number of base cards combined, Little Empire Mojo  how those base cards are combined and whether the cards are max enhanced during the evolution process.

Due to the various ways a card can be evolved, there are a number of strategies that have come into existence to describe the best ways to create strong cards.  Buy Little Empire Mojo  These strategies are generally labeled by how many base cards are used to create a card, and how many cards are max enhanced. Example: 6 base cards are used and 7 specific  cards are max enhanced is called a 6-7 evo. It is important to note, that you can not simply max enhance any 7 cards of the evolution tree. There are specific cards,  Cheap Little Empire Mojo  that have to be enhanced, to gain the full potential out of 6 base cards with 7 max enhances!  Cheap Little Empire Mojo The Chapter MAX enhancing certain cards explains this further.

Resources are the centerpiece of your gameplay and of your kingdom’s welfare in King’s Empire

Resources are the centerpiece of your gameplay and of your kingdom’s welfare in King’s Empire. Gold, food, wood, iron and stone are required to construct buildings, train new troops, upgrade, hire mercenaries, build a second, third or fourth city, and even to back up your friends and your allies in battle. Little Empire Mojo It always seems like there isn’t enough of one resource or the other, but acquiring more of them is actually very easy. Read on to find out how to get more resources in King’s Empire!

Get more wood, food, iron and stone by upgrading your lumber mill, your farm, your iron mine and your quarry as high as you can get them. Upgrades are useless without adding more workers,  Little Empire Mojo however. Upgrade your Living Quarters as high as you can in order to maximize the number of citizens you can send to your resource buildings. Each citizen earns approximately 2 of one resource per hour when stationed at a resource building, Buy Little Empire Mojo  and each upgrade increases the maximum amount of citizens.

 Earn more gold by having citizens that are not dispatched to a resource building. Each free citizen earns you 1 gold per hour, and the more that you upgrade the living quarters, the more free citizens that you end up with (until you dispatch them). Cheap Little Empire Mojo  If you really want to maximize your gold, pull every one of your citizens out of the quarry, iron mine, farm and lumber mill and let them earn gold for you when they are all “free”.


Camel Games' high-polished "massively multiplayer online" empire building game Little Empires

Camel Games' high-polished "massively multiplayer online" empire building game Little Empires neatly demonstrates why we should never open ourselves up to the inevitable pain that friendship brings. Little Empire Mojo   Pretty heavy for a game with cartoon elves, right?

While it may be one of the cutest little empire building games I've come across on my Android phone, lurking beneath that cute mixture of 2D battles and 3D kingdom building lies a poisonous snake, waiting to strike.

The snake is called your friends list.

Perhaps I've been ruined by casual Facebook games. I expect when I add a random person to my friends list that they will join me on my quests, fight by my side, help me complete missions, Buy Little Empire Mojo  and stop by my kingdom every once in a while for snacks and social points of some sort.

In Little Empire adding friends to my list gives them free reign to pop by and steal my resources any time they choose. Cheap Little Empire Mojo