
Some of the hotfixes below

Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect.
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 Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update.
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 We will continue to update this list as additional hotfixes are applied.
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Now that the Diablo III

Now that the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Friends and Family Beta is live,
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there are plenty of choices when it comes to how you get the juicy details on the upcoming expansion.
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We think it’s a great time to ask you, the community, about your favorite Diablo III news sites and streamers!
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Why are they your favorite(s)? Where would you recommend your fellow players go to get their news?


Stormlash Totem's Stormlash

[Requires a realm restart.] Stormlash Totem's Stormlash effect now has a 50% chance to activate and deals 40% of current damage
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(This is up from a 20% chance to activate and down from a 100% damage
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increase when activated compared to a hotfix from October 4).
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Skeer the Bloodseeker's

Skeer the Bloodseeker's
Bloodletting ability should now correctly spawn blood creatures even if the player has an immunity effect on them.
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        Garrosh Hellscream
            Players who are dead will now continue
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 to emanate the full effects of Malice for the remainder of its duration.
            Resolved an issue with creature pathing
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during the Realm of Y'Shaarj phase in the Temple of the Jade Serpent.


great response from players

There's been a great response from players of the console version of Diablo 3 - yours truly included - to the more
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 immediate feel of its pad control scheme.
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 This has naturally led the game's PC fanbase to ask if controller support could be
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patched into their version of the game.

completed realm connections

As previously announced,
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we’ve been working toward connecting realms to increase the number of players on low-population realms, and since then have completed several connections.
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 As a part of our ongoing communication, we wanted to provide you with an update that contains a list of completed realm connections, currently planned connections,
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and any additional future plans in one convenient location.

the game's PC fanbase

There's been a great response from players of the console version of
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Diablo 3 - yours truly included - to the more immediate feel
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 of its pad control scheme. This has naturally led the game's PC fanbase to ask if controller support could be patched into their version of the
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And last but not least

It then moves in to the Y'Anu theme over the moaning tympani and bass drum. This theme is first heard in the Reaper of Souls intro cinematic, which takes place in the Tomb of Rakkis where Tyrael attempts to hide the Black Soulstone.
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 Y'Anu was written as a meditative chant of the Horadrim whereby the acolyte could meditate on the mysteries of Anu, or The One.
And last but not least,
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Malthael's signature theme (which I mentioned above) buttons up the end.


would you ask our Diablo III

We know there are a lot of players who enjoy exploring the history of Sanctuary to finest
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depths and we would love to hear more about what kind lore or story-related topics interest you. So, for our latest community question, we want to know:
If you had the opportunity,
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 what single lore or story question would you ask our Diablo III developers about Reaper of Souls?